Verisma Launches Academy for Disclosure Management Mastery

Verisma Launches Academy for Disclosure Management Mastery

Alexandria, VA, February 18, 2023 – Verisma, a leading provider of release of information and disclosure management solutions, is pleased to announce the launch of Verisma Academy, an educational program designed to advance excellence in release of information (ROI) through disclosure management mastery.

Once buried in paper charts, health information management (HIM) professionals now sit at the intersection of technology, patient/requestor experience, compliance, and revenue retention. ROI is part of this larger ecosystem we call disclosure management.

Navigating disclosure complexity is a challenge. Many professionals are heads-down in the operations of their own facility and struggle to stay up-to-date on external factors like regulation changes, cyber security threats, and hybrid workforce management. Siloed processes miss the big-picture impact on patient experience and the goals of the entire health system.

Verisma Academy offers the education and expertise to address these challenges. Standards of excellence in disclosure management will be taught by thought leaders from healthcare organizations, government agencies, and Verisma team members with decades of experience providing HIM solutions across the country.

Free enrollment in the academy includes live webinars, master classes, and on-demand courses, many of which are eligible for continuing education units (CEUs) through the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). State AHIMA chapters with the most enrollees will receive a $500 scholarship from Verisma to promote the future of HIM in their local area.

“We believe education is key to elevating the profession of health information management and advancing the industry as a whole,” said Marty McKenna, CEO of Verisma. “We envision Verisma Academy as a platform for sharing knowledge and fostering collaboration among professionals in the field, and we are excited to see the impact it will have on the HIM community.”

For more information and to enroll in Verisma Academy, visit

Media Contact:
Delinda Tinkey

Advancing Information Sharing: Understanding EHI

Advancing Information Sharing: Understanding EHI

This blog summarizes the content from Verisma’s ROI Roundtable Webinar. The full recording and slidse are available.
The information blocking definition of electronic health information (EHI) includes the entire scope of electronic protected health information (ePHI) that is or would be in a Designated Record Set (DRS). Prior to October 6, 2022, the definition of information blocking was focused only on the subset of EHI that is represented by elements in the United States Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI) v1. As of October 6, 2022, all EHI falls within the scope of the information blocking definition. 

What is and what is not EHI for purposes of information blocking regulations?  In Verisma’s Nov 2022 ROI Roundtable Webinar we heard from two experts with the ONC – Rachel Nelson JD, Branch Chief, Compliance and Administration Branch, and Dan Healy, Policy Coordinator, Compliance and Administration Branch on what EHI is and how its definition relates to but differs from the definition of ePHI under the HIPAA Rules. The speakers provided important facts related to current information blocking policy and what healthcare organizations and providers should bear in mind specific to information blocking regulations as they review and update their technical capabilities and workflows in context of their DRS (Designated Record Set) to ensure they are sharing EHI consistent with all applicable laws. Some highlights from their presentation follow.

What is EHI as defined by the information blocking regulation?  According to ONC, EHI is as follows:

  • “Electronic Health Information (EHI) means electronic protected health information (ePHI) to the extent that the ePHI would be included in a designated record set as these terms are defined for HIPAA.”

The scope of EHI is relayed was shared in the following ONC graphic that can be found at

The expansion is “only” PHI that is in an electronic format. Noted in the webinar is that EHI is “electronic health information (ePHI) to the extent that it would be included in a designated record set.” Further explained during the webinar was that EHI “is individually identifiable health information, that is maintained in electronic media or transmitted by electronic media.” If the ePHI is included in any of the following records and not in the exclusions such as psychotherapy notes, then it would be considered EHI:

  • Medical records and billing records of a provider about an individual
  • Enrollment, payment, claim adjudication, and case or medical management record systems maintained by or for a health plan.
  • Records used in whole or in part to make decisions about individuals

What is not EHI was explained as well. For example, such things like psychotherapy notes, information complied in anticipation of, or for use in, a civil, criminal, or administrative action or proceeding, employment records health information, and de-identified protected health information. EHI is not limited by when the information was generated.

Organizations should be looking at what they now include in their designated record set policy and revise if necessary, to ensure the that their policy includes the full scope of EHI that is now in effect as of the October 6, 2022 expansion of the EHI definition beyond the current USCDI v.1 definition.  Working with your Release of Information vendor is important as well, so they are aware of exactly what ePHI is defined in your designated record set and how to access all the ePHI for disclosure purposes. Many resources such as an EHI Fact Sheet, recorded Webinars, and an Infographic are available on

Dan and Rachel also spent time going over the Information Blocking definition and explaining how that relates directly to the exchange of ePHI. More details and explanation of the Information Blocking Regulation was shared with the attendees. Points that have caused some questions from health care providers and others in the health IT field were clarified. Information Blocking applies to “actors.” Actors are:

  • Health Care Providers
  • Health It Developers of Certified Health IT
  • Health Information Networks (HINs)
  • Health Information Exchanges (HIEs)

Exceptions to the Information Blocking Rule, which have caused a lot of questions from “actors,” in particular the “Content and Manner Exception” where it is not considered information blocking if the actor does not have all the requested EHI in their possession, cannot be shared using the technology requested, or where it must be “withheld due to laws or is permissible to be withheld, such as under the Preventing Har or Privacy exceptions.” One example would be if it would be impossible for an actor to segment out psychotherapy notes from the EHI. Another would be the cost to comply would be prohibitive. Other examples were given as well as resource information available on ONC’s Cures Act Final Rule website.  For more in-depth information on Information Blocking, resources can be found at where there are fact sheets, Webinars, and FAQs. 

Health Information Management leaders should be reviewing all the policies and procedures related to release of ePHI, especially their designated record set policy to ensure they are following the updated requirements that went into effect on October 6, 2022 and working closely to ensure their ROI vendor is up to date on all the requirements to ensure there are no risks of information blocking.






Black Book Names Verisma #1 in Release of Information Third Year in a Row

Black Book Names Verisma #1 in Release of Information Third Year in a Row

WASHINGTON, D.C., November 16, 2022 – For the third year in a row, Black BookTM Market Research ranked Verisma as the #1 vendor in Release of Information. After surveying users of ROI technology and services across the country, Verisma scored highest in 11 of the 18 data points measured. These include:

  • Strategic alignment of client goals including VBC HIE ONC
  • Innovation & optimization
  • Training
  • Client relationships and cultural fit
  • Trust, accountability, transparency, ethics
  • Deployment and implementation
  • Integration and interfaces
  • Reliability, consistency
  • Marginal value adds and modules
  • Support and customer care
  • Best of breed technology and process improvement

Black Book’s unique research methodology focuses on front-end users of technology and services vs. executives who are more likely to have made the selection and purchase decisions of the vendors.

“As the Black Book information shows, our relationship with clients is our top priority,” said Verisma co-founder Andy McManus. “We have no way of telling who takes surveys like these, but our consistently high rank in a variety of measures three years in a row shows these are universal sentiments across our client base. It’s an honor to see this acknowledgement in the strength of our relationships and the solutions we provide.”

Full rankings for Release of Information Services & PHI Disclosure Management Solutions can be viewed at Black Book™ Announces Top Client-Rated Coding, Transcription, Clinical Documentation Improvement and Clinical Information Management Software and Services Vendors 2022 (

About Verisma

With Verisma® services and technology, health information managers elevate their organization’s method of securely disclosing confidential information to patients, attorneys, and other third parties. Built on the principles of truth and accuracy, Verisma is a trusted partner in complying with changing regulations while reducing errors, turnaround time, and cost. Verisma HITRUST® certified technology integrates with existing EHRs and portals for advanced automation and transparency uniquely designed for release of information (ROI), self-serve request tracking, and audits. Flexible service models including full-service, technology-only, or a hybrid seamlessly blend Verisma’s end-to-end solution with the needs of existing staff. Our partnership is truly a promise to put patient protection first.

Media Contact:
Delinda Tinkey

AHIMA22 Overview and Takeaways

AHIMA22 Overview and Takeaways

AHIMA22 brought us to Columbus this year, the capital and heart of Ohio. It’s been three years since we’ve all been together and there was so much catching up to do! The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) is the leading voice and authority in health information where the associated experts work at the intersection of healthcare, technology, and business. Today more than ever, in an era where technology drives change and efficiencies on one hand and on the other hand increases the risk of interfering with privacy and security, managing the complexity of patient’s information is critical. Healthcare professionals must ensure that sensitive health stories remain accurate, accessible, protected, and complete at all times.

We all know the tremendous effects COVID had on our healthcare and the gaps it highlighted in our systems. It changed the workforce landscape with an increased need for healthcare professionals and the reality that jobs require more technical skills than ever before. AHIMA22 highlighted the emerging changes and responsibilities that healthcare information management professionals face today.

The conference kicked off with sessions on “Design Thinking for Innovation in Healthcare” and “What Does it Take to Become a Revenue Cycle Executive” and a marching band performance! There were over 40 in-person sessions led by health data experts and visionaries, new product tech demos in the exhibit hall, networking opportunities, and social events with over 3,00 attendees. Thinking back on all that I heard and witnessed at this convention, there are a few key takeaways I’d like to share:

Design Thinking for Innovation in Healthcare

This workshop kicked off the conference and set the tone for the rest of the week. Design thinking process is a theory that many startups and innovative companies use to solve real end user problems and it’s one of my favorite methods to use to develop user centric products. Design thinking is taught at top universities like Harvard and is adopted by brand name companies such as Apple, Google, and Samsung. It’s a 5-part problem solving approach you can apply in both your organization and your daily life. It centers around end user challenges and how to put aside limiting beliefs and our own perspectives to solve a problem based on observation and thinking outside the box.

“Healthcare requires continuous innovation to meet the needs of patients and providers,” says Mary Ann Sullivan, MA, CCMP, senior director, professional development and education operations and innovation at AHIMA. But important stakeholders are not always considered when new interventions or processes are designed. This can lead to products and services that do little more than gather dust, while the underlying issues remain unaddressed. “Design thinking,” Sullivan says, “can be used to improve clinician-patient workflows, healthcare spaces, customer service, and community programs.” In a healthcare landscape where there are so many silos, this methodology can be useful to bridge the gap and deliver real solutions that bring back the patient to the center of care.

Privacy and Security

AHIMA22 had top experts on information blocking, electronic health record vendor efforts to protect privacy and achieve interoperability, cyberthreats, and risks associated with the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). There is an ongoing responsibility to understand and comply with laws that govern the privacy and security of health information. It’s important to learn unique security gaps and how to mitigate the IoMT risk as healthcare increases its use of devices that interact directly with patients. Furthermore, understanding the current drive to achieve an interoperable landscape requires heightened privacy and security.


The last several years was a turning point in healthcare with consumers finally empowered to make more informed decisions about their health. AHIMA22 included a focus on consumerism with sessions that offered incredible insight for health leaders to learn about new and emerging technologies and roles in health information that place the patient at the center of it all. Returning consumers to the center of patient care will impact healthcare for generations to come. Healthcare professionals can be both patient advocates and liaisons to help patients better understand the ever-changing environment. The pandemic has accelerated patients’ usage of health-related digital devices, which can provide more productivity, but also isolates the patient from human care. Healthcare professionals need to understand technology and find ways to humanize the experience.


There were many lectures and vendor demos of products related to data. Because we use the science of collected information to have predictable results in a complex system, more data can lead to more informative decision making. This is vital because health data, including population health information, must be accurate and trusted as many strategic and patient care decisions rely on it. Also, health data and data models have a significant impact on business intelligence and initiatives. It can shed light on gaps in the systems or reasons for failure in the workflows and showcase and inefficiencies. Data governance is the yellow brick road to health data integrity and must be followed to ensure the reliability of the data. Organizations seek to improve patient care and outcomes through the collection of Social Determinants of Health data. Health data lies at the center of interoperability and interoperability is the key to getting the right information at the right time to the right person. Here at Verisma, we have a leading data and analytics tool, that is easy to use and all the reports related to Release of Information can be customized in a easy to understand format to drive real engagement with the process of providing real and accurate health records.

It was interesting to flow between so many fascinating topics while acknowledging how much the role of Health Information Managers is changing. That’s why Verisma is changing ROI for a changing world. I look forward to showing you the new products and services we’re developing to support you!

If you or your colleagues plan to attend AHIMA’s virtual conference in November, don’t miss Verisma’s session on the top disclosure management trends.


AHIMA 22 Verisma Team
Using Technology to Achieve Centralized ROI

Using Technology to Achieve Centralized ROI

By Barbara Carr, RHIA

I have spoken often about how urgent it is to centralize your release of information (ROI) processes. COVID, hybrid workforces, Information Blocking requirements, as well as the upcoming anticipated HIPAA changes with a reduced turnaround time to 15 days, have put more pressure on healthcare organizations to move to a streamlined unified process to manage requests for healthcare information that are flowing into their organizations and landing in various locations.

Having disparate processes and various policies sets your organization up for compliance risks in addition to redundant and costly processing. Are all incoming requests making it to your ROI team in a timely way or are they sitting on fax machines, or desks waiting days to be entered into the system? We need to ask ourselves; can we truly account for all disclosures of protected health information taking place across our entire organizations?

Without a centralized intake process, the answer is probably no.

Once you make the commitment to centralize your ROI process, you will need the right technology to make it work. Some questions you may have include:

  • How will various requests get into a centralized system?
  • How will you be able to ascertain and prioritize the types of requests that are coming in across your system?
  • How will you know where the requests are coming from and what, if any, backlogs may be creeping in?
  • How will you be able to manage the input of requests?
  • How can you report on the success of centralized process?

All these questions can be answered by utilizing the right technology and partnering with the right ROI vendor. Of course, you will need sound policies and procedures, but without the technology, it just doesn’t work.

The Verisma Release Manager® (VRM®) platform with its powerful Verisma Inbox™ technology can help your organization centralize and streamline the request intake process and aid in reducing redundancy, improving productivity and turnaround time, and providing metrics and visibility into your ROI operations. Here’s how:

  • Utilizes smart barcode technology that automates the entire request intake by healthcare facility, giving you 100% visibility.
  • Centralizes and automatically categorizes all requests based on rules you specify. This helps effectively prioritize the time sensitive requests so they can be worked on first.
  • Requests can be received from multiple sources with duplicate requests flagged to reduce multiple releases of the same record to the same requestor.
  • Everything visible on one page enables faster processing of each request. The actual request/authorization images, its current status, who in production the request is assigned to, and any important instructions/notes regarding the request is all visible on one page.
  • Built in retrieval protocols available to the ROI workflow specialist so they know where to go across your disparate record sources for each record type being requested supported by built-in policies and procedures specific to your organization. No need to search elsewhere for this information.
  • Comprehensive analytics that produce metrics on volume, productivity, turn-around-times, workflow compliance, and financials by multiple data levels including by facility, employee, request types, delivery methods, etc., make managing a centralized process a more efficient and manageable process than ever before.

Examples of how the right technology can be an invaluable asset in the management, compliance, and overall efficiency of an enterprise-wide disclosure management process include a large, complex, multi-hospital health system who discovered, and quickly resolved, a significant request back-log challenge that was due to their previous decentralized ROI approach. Within weeks of implementing the Verisma Inbox tool, this organization is now realizing the benefits of one centralized solution to processing ROI requests. They now have immediate visibility into their volume and turnaround time metrics across all sites, greatly reducing the risk of future backlogs.

Utilizing advanced technology along with well thought out policies, procedures, and staff training, can make managing a centralized approach to ROI across your enterprise a highly achievable objective.

3 Reasons You Miss Turnaround Times (and what to do about it)

3 Reasons You Miss Turnaround Times (and what to do about it)

It’s 4:45 pm and your shift is about to end. You take one final glance at the queue of new patient record requests and unbelievably, it’s at zero. “Great!” you think, “My team has visibility on everything that needs to be processed and is well on their way to responding within 30 days. Even if we only had 15 days, we could handle this!”

Now let’s be honest – this is a fantastical scenario. Most, if not all, healthcare organizations have a backlog of requests they’re aware of but haven’t processed. Thankfully, if you track the date those requests entered your system, reaching the HIPAA-required turnaround time should be doable, right?

Not always. Here’s three reasons why:

1. Your backlog is bigger than you think

If you manage turnaround times based on your intake queue, you need 100% certainty that record requests make it to the queue on day one. Are there requests sitting on the fax machine? Are there several sitting in someone’s email inbox? Are they on vacation?

There’s risk in what you can’t see. If your organization has multiple locations with a decentralized ROI process, this problem compounds.

To confidently say your organization meets required turnaround times, you need 100% visibility across the intake process.

2. Your backlog is smaller than you think

We all know it’s unavoidable – duplicate requests. Whether by accident or due to impatience, this redundancy is an inefficient use of time and resources.

3. You’re not prioritizing effectively

First in first out isn’t always the best process. If all record requests in your system look the same, how do you know which are from patients vs attorneys? How many are for continuity of care?

COVID, hybrid workforces, Information Backlog requirements, and the upcoming anticipated HIPAA changes with a reduced turnaround time to 15 days have put more pressure on healthcare organizations to move to a streamlined unified process.

Verisma’s disclosure management experts are here to guide you through the process. Well-orchestrated policies and procedures paired with leading technology designed for ROI workflows are the key to achieving improved productivity, enhanced patient/requestor experience, and actionable metrics on your ROI operations success.

Specifically, the Verisma® advanced Release Management (VRM®) platform with its powerful Verisma Inbox™ technology:

  • Utilizes smart barcode technology that automates the entire request intake by healthcare facility, giving you 100% visibility
  • Flags duplicate requests to reduce multiple releases of the same record to the same requestor
  • Centralizes and automatically categorizes all requests based on rules you specify so you can prioritize effectively

Verisma Inbox™ technology is the first of its kind and continues to offer more automation capabilities at no extra cost to our clients. Come see our latest innovations at AHIMA 22 booth #411.

Not going to AHIMA? Request a demo any time here.