WEBINAR: Transforming Patient Access to Health Information: How HIM at NCH Healthcare System is Moving the Needle in Patient Satisfaction

Date: July 11th, 2018 | 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EST


Laurie Fiore, RHIA
General Manager CDI/Care Coordination/UR/HIM, NCH Healthcare System
General Manager, Client Revenue Cycle, nThrive

Linda Kloss, MA, RHIA
President, Kloss Strategic Advisors, Inc.

Health systems are facing ever-growing challenges in engaging patients in the management of their health information. Whether a lack of computer literacy with patients or an inefficient medical records request process, these are the type of issues that must be alleviated to better engage patients with their overall health. HIM can play an active role in removing these barriers, by putting in place initiatives within their organizations for advancing patient access.

During this webinar, Laurie Fiore, General Manager CDI/Care Coordination/UR/HIM of NCH Healthcare System and Linda Kloss, President of Kloss Strategic Advisors will showcase how HIM is implementing solutions that streamlines patients’ access to health information and thus improving overall engagement and satisfaction.

Learning goals:

• Discuss the importance of proactive strategies enabling patient access to health information.
• Understand the drivers and goals for NCH Healthcare System’s focus transforming patient access.
• Review the operational challenges and solutions used by NCH Healthcare System to improve access as part of overall release of information.
• Consider how HIM can assist with patients’ access, to help better manage their health information.

Approved for 1 AHIMA CEU Credit: Management Development