Wylecia Wiggs Harris, PhD, CAE
Chief Executive Officer, AHIMA
Linda Kloss, MA, RHIA
Regulatory Policy Leader, Disclosure Management, Verisma
The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) enters the new decade ready to execute a strategic Framework with three key impact areas — Integrity, Connection, and Access — to improve the management and value of health information. Wylecia Wiggs Harris, PhD, CAE, AHIMA’s CEO is a special guest for this important thought leadership webinar.
Dr. Harris will discuss how the Framework reflects AHIMA’s Vision of “A world where trusted information impacts health and healthcare by connecting people, systems, and ideas.” She will describe the environmental trends that have informed the impact areas. She will also highlight some of the plans for 2020/21 and desired outcomes for HIM professionals and AHIMA and the ways in which the direction benefits the health system and those it serves.
Dr. Harris and Linda Kloss will discuss how the impact areas of Integrity, Connection, and Access apply to the access and disclosure management of health information, important HIM and compliance responsibilities. The integrity of release of information practice is being transformed by advanced release management technology and improved quality control; workflows from request through release are being standardized and automated, and; web-based apps are streamlining access to empower people. The impact areas of AHIMA’s plan reflect the future of release of information and this webinar will connect the dots so the industry can embrace and promote AHIMA’s Framework for the future.
Webinar objectives:
This webinar will enable HIM, compliance, and ROI teams to:
- Describe AHIMA’s Framework for the Future and its intended benefits;
- Translate AHIMA’s Framework to access and disclosure management, including release of information (ROI) practice,
- Consider ways in which incorporating the Framework’s direction and impact areas can help to advance transformation of access and disclosure management, and
- Enlist ROI practitioners in advancing change.
Approved for 1 AHIMA CEU Credit