Implementing ROI Enterprise Wide: Like Herding Cats

One of the most beloved Super Bowl ads of all time was developed by a consulting company, showcasing one of the biggest challenges organizations often have – herding cats. Looks confusing, frustrating and well, basically impossible, doesn’t it? Implementing a Release of Information (ROI) solution across the healthcare enterprise can feel that way, too. An ROI solution that captures and streamlines the requirements of patients, attorneys, care providers, payers, government agencies, and PFS into one comprehensive solution is a pretty tall order.  Add to that mix the onerous requirements of HIPAA and HITECH, operational pressures of cost containment and revenue generation, and the lack of compliance certifications for the industry. What do you get? Utter mayhem.

Disparate requestor requirements, privacy/security compliance issues, and operational pressures result in big pain points for decision makers. We hear time and again from HIM professionals that their two primary issues are slow turnaround times and an error prone process. Other secondary issues include a lack of transparency and visibility, and limited access to critical financial and production level data.

All of these primary and secondary issues can impede HIM departments from decreasing error rates and preventing processing issues.

What’s the solution?

Maybe there isn’t one to herding cats, but there is one for the healthcare industry, and that is ROI Automation. Hospitals and health care providers need a holistic, automated approach that aligns people and processes across the enterprise.

What does this mean exactly? Healthcare organizations need an ROI Automation System that offers:

  • Innovative technology: Cloud based, advanced best-in-class workflow automation
  • Rules and regulations peace of mind: Integrated HIPAA and business process rules
  • Radical transparency: A complete, auditable history of each and every release
  • Error free efficiency: A credentialed team to meticulously manage sensitive patient, insurance and hospital data
  • Plays nicely with others: Automated bi-direction integration to EMR systems
  • Solve problems before they become problems: Data driven dashboards that allow for proactive decision making

An effective ROI workflow solution will improve the requestor experience while driving down operational frustration, risk, and costs. This means that every element will be automated, from request to delivery, billing to compliance. When you have a true ROI Automation Solution, you have the tools in place for a successful enterprise wide implementation. Not only will you gain positive return on investment, you’ll also reap the benefits of consistent processes, cross departmental visibility and accountability, and a speedy, efficient workflow.

A lot less confusing and frustrating than herding cats, too.

Verisma attended MoHIMA Annual Meeting

Verisma attended the Missouri Health Information Management Association’s (MoHIMA) 2015 Annual Meeting. The conference was held April 22-24, 2015 at the St. Charles Convention Center in St. Charles, Missouri. MoHIMA began in 1952 as a non-profit healthcare professional association, and today represents over 2,000 Missouri members. As a Component State Association of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), MoHIMA is dedicated to serving members by increasing, promoting and perpetuating the visibility of the health information management profession through education, communication and advocacy.

Learn More:

Verisma sponsored “Bourbon & Bowties” at Dixie Institute 2015

Verisma sponsored the “Bourbon & Bowties” event on Wednesday, February 18th as part of HFMA’s Dixie Institute in Charleston, South Carolina. The event was held at the Riveria Theatre from 6:30 to 10:00pm.

The Dixie Institute is designed to support HFMA’s commitment to providing programs that enhance the growth and development of its members. This annual conference brings together HFMA Members from 5 different states, AL, FL, GA, SC and TN.